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Stepping down as organizer for WordCamp The Netherlands

October 13th, 2023 Personal WordPress Community A stairwell with concrete stairs with iron rail and some sunshine shining in.

It is with mixed emotions that I announce my decision to step down as an organizer for WordCamp The Netherlands (WCNL). This decision has not been an easy one, but after careful consideration, I believe it is the right choice for me at this point in my life.

What is a WordCamp? Here is a nice post on that tells you exactly what a WordCamp is.

First and foremost, I want to express my immense gratitude to all of you who have supported WCNL over the years. It has been a privilege to be a part of this incredible community and help organize such an amazing event. The friendships, experiences, and knowledge I've gained are invaluable.

So why am I stepping down? There are a few reasons, and I'd like to share them with you.

Personal Growth

We all grow and evolve, and I believe it's essential to embrace change and new challenges. Stepping down as an organizer will allow me to explore new opportunities and expand my horizons in other areas. While I have no concrete opportunities at the moment, this decision enables me to make room for when they appear.

Balancing Priorities

Organizing an event like a WordCamp requires a significant commitment of time and energy. As my personal and professional responsibilities have grown, it has become increasingly challenging to balance all these aspects of my life effectively.

Making room for new organizers

Sometimes, fresh perspectives and new faces can bring fresh ideas and innovation to an event. By stepping down, I hope to make room for new individuals with fresh insights and energy to take WordCamp The Netherlands to new heights. At WCNL 2023 we had a team consisting of experienced and new organizers and I hope more new organizers are going to join the team.

Want to help organize WordCamp The Netherlands? You can submit a form on the Call for organizers page to apply as organizer (in Dutch).

Preventing too much obligations

Organizing a WordCamp is an incredibly rewarding experience for me , but it is also very demanding. To prevent to have too much work and ensure that the event continues to thrive, it's essential for me to step down and to make space for new leaders. I’ve always been someone that can say yes very easy, without first understanding and realizing what the impact might be of that yes. Now is the time to think first. It’s about time 😉.

I will not leave the WordPress community

I want to emphasize that my passion for WordPress and this community remains as strong as ever. I'll continue to be an active member of the WordPress community, participating in WordCamps and contributing to the open source project. I will also be available for coaching and assisting the new organizers where and if needed. My connection with this community will not end with my role as an organizer.

I want to thank my fellow organizers for their dedication and hard work. It has been an absolute pleasure working alongside you all, and I have learned so much from each of you. I am confident that the next WordCamp The Netherlands will be a fantastic event, and I look forward to attending as an enthusiastic participant.

As I step down from my role as an organizer for WordCamp Netherlands 2024, I'm excited about the new chapter that lies ahead. I'll be cheering from the sidelines and can't wait to see the event flourish under new leadership. The WordPress community is strong and resilient, and I have no doubt that the future of WordCamp The Netherlands is bright.

Thank you all for your unwavering support, and I look forward to our continued journey together within (or outside) the WordPress community.

Every step down enables you to take another step up.

Photo by Arisa Chattasa

PS. This is the second “stepping down” post. You can read the other one here: Stepping down as lead organizer for WordCamp The Netherlands

About Marcel Bootsman

Marcel discovered the web in 1995. Since then he has paid attention to and worked with lots of technologies and founded his own WordPress oriented business in 2009.

Currently Marcel is Business Development Manager Dutch & DACH Markets at Kinsta where he helps Kinsta's client base grow with Managed WordPress, Application, Database and Static site hosting.

You can contact Marcel on a diverse range of online platforms. Please see the Connect section on the homepage for the details.